Top 10 Constituents Of FBM KLCI

FBM KLCI Top 30 Companies by market capitalization. The FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI (FBM KLCI) represents the top 30 companies by market capitalization on the Bursa Malaysia Main Market that pass the relevant investability screens. It is the headline index of the FTSE Bursa Malaysia Index Series. Below are the top 10 constituents of FBM KLCI: (click the image to enlarge) from: FTSE Bursa Malay...

Malaysia Upcoming Oil and Gas Projects

List of Malaysia upcoming Oil&Gas projects, location, scope of works, contract amount and the likely bidders. 1.  Jobs: Exxon-Mobil's enhanced oil recovery Location: Rejuvenation of Tapis, Telok, Seligi, Guntong, Semangkok, Irong Barat, Tabu and Palas oilfiields off Peninsula, Sabah & Sarawak. Scope of works: Central processing platforms, gas compression systems, process equipment, MOPU, tender rigs, offshore vessels Contract RM(mil): 10,000 Likely bidders: MMHE, SapuraKencana, Wah Seong, Bumi Armada, Alam Maritim 2. Jobs: Carigali-Hess' North Malay gas project- fast track basis Location: North Malay basin (Blocks PM301 and PM302), near JD Scope of works: Central processing plafform, 8 well head platforms, 200km pipeline Contract RM(mil): 16,000 ...

When Malaysia General Election GE13 To Be Held?

The Malaysia General Election (GE 13) analysis and prediction below is by MIDF research: Table below shows the election dates of all of the past general elections (GE) since 1959. At first glance it reveals that no particular favored month for a GE to be held but does suggest that a weekend is preferred, possibly to minimize the disruption to the working population. Election date and day from past elections and parliament duration: •     Only two parliament editions ran full 5-year mandate.On average, the Malaysian parliament ran for 52.96 months or 4 years, 4 months and 29 days. Applying the average duration, theoretically...

FBM KLCI and General Election Affect

Malaysia Stock market trends during election periods When is the likely month for Malaysia GE13 to be held anyway? There are many opinion on the likely date: in March 2012 (insider rumors), in Jun 2012 (past 2 GE election were held during school holidays) and then Sept 2012. I think the ruling party is still trying hard to measure 'feel good factor' among the people in order to decide the best date. The table below show how KLCI trends during the election periods. (click to enlarge) HwangDBS Vickers:  Looking all the way back to 1978 to analyze stock market trends before and after the GEs, we do not see any apparent trends pre- and...

FBM KLCI and Sarawak General Election

Sarawak GE vs Bursa Malaysia FBM KLCI Interesting analysis by Maybank Invetsment Bank research: Sarawak elections: Back to the drawing board? Potential pullback. Although Barisan Nasional (BN) secured more than two-thirds of the state assembly seats, the loss of 15 seats was higher than what political analysts had expected. In the May 2006 state elections where BN lost an additional 9.5% of seats, the KLCI was down 1.4% in the one week after the state elections. Price correction of Sarawak stocks was steeper, with politically linked CMS down 7.7% in one week. The trend may be similar over the next few days post the 9.9% additional seat...

Sarawak Government Politically Linked Companies Election Theme Play

Is it not to late to look for some Sarawak Government Link Companies (GLC) or politically linked counters?   Here some of Sarawak Government Linked Companies (GLC) / Counters On Bursa potential plays stocks for Sarawak State Elections theme play. Column A = Shr px @16 Dec 2010 Column B = Shr px perf 3-months leading to dissolution of Parliament on 13 Feb 2008  NLT= not listed then   A                B            COMMENTS Cahya Mata S’wak 2.63           34%        42.9% owned by current Chief Minister’s (CM)...

Major infrastructure projects involving Greater KL

You might want to speculate which companies will get which projects. Also you might want to ignore the companies which already awarded recently  with massive million/billion of project  because they were already in the (stale) news and reflected in their share price. Greater KL NKEA    1. MRT system (150km)                               RM 36,000 mi        Comments: MMC-Gamuda    named  PDP. Sg Buloh-Kajang line construction to start in Jul 2011. 2. LRT extension (34km)                             ...

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